Week 41+


If you haven’t given birth at 41 weeks, you will have another check-up during which you and your LMC will discuss the possibility of having the labour induced, either naturally or through medical intervention.


A sympathetic ear, breakfast in bed … no, not for you, sorry. For her. If your partner goes past her due date, she is likely to be upset and worried, not to mention uncomfortable. Try to distract her by taking a gentle stroll, or watching a movie with her.

If she’d rather be left alone, vacuum the house, weed the garden, wash the gunk off the shower floor. The belly is making it really difficult for her to move, and the anxiety is not making things better either.


You are late – at least that’s what the clever calculations say. Actually, you may be perfectly on time and their calculations may be off. Either way, though, here is your eviction notice: If you’re not out soon, they will take steps! Meanwhile, prepare not only for the long and tiring journey, but also for your first big task in the big world – taking your first breath. It’s no easy task, because the tiny air sacs will have to expand for the first time. Good luck!