Week 40


Make room in your heart – it takes time to become a mother. Not the nine months for the baby to grow, but for your mind to wrap around the concept of “I’m going to be a mum”. Like the pre-wedding jitters, it’s common to get a mini identity crisis pre-baby. Anxiety and anticipation go hand-in-hand, mixed with all your prenatal hormones, so talk to others about your feelings.


The miracle of birth is just around the corner, and even though you’re keeping a smiling face for your partner, inside you’re a ball of nerves. Will the baby be okay? Will your partner be okay? What if you faint in the delivery room? Will you mess up cutting the umbilical cord?

Deep breath – it’ll be fine. They will be fine. And you will be more than fine, you will be amazing.


Bub, you are one gigantic watermelon. Your organs are fully developed. Your lungs are mature. Time to be born now.