Week 31



It may seem a bit early to pack a hospital bag, but if you do it now, it’ll give you a sense of being prepared. Even if you’re planning a home birth, pack the bag in case of an emergency, or simply to have all the essentials together in one place.

For you:

  • Pyjamas or night dress, preferably one that buttons up in front (at least 2 pairs)
  • Dressing gown
  • Nursing bras x 3
  • Cotton knickers x 10
  • Socks
  • Slippers
  • Jandals for the shower
  • Clothes to wear home (alas, still your pregnancy clothes, because even after the baby’s out, your tummy will be still be swollen)
  • Toiletries (your usual overnight stuff)
  • Make-up (to be honest, you probably won’t bother with it, busy as you’ll be, but just in case)
  • Disposable breast pads and nipple cream
  • Any medications or vitamins you are taking
  • Copy of your birth plan
  • List of people and numbers to call after birth (store them in your phone)
  • Snacks and bottles of water
  • Camera with extra batteries or charger
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Books/magazines
  • Cash/credit cards/wallet
  • Maternity pads (these should be supplied by the hospital, but you’ll feel better knowing you have them available)
  • A few of pairs of big granny undies (high waist) because if you have a C-section you don’t want the elastic to rub the stitches.

For baby:

  • Car capsule or car seat (already installed and ready for the baby)
  • Blankets x 2
  • Muslin wraps x 2
  • Baby bodysuits x 4
  • Socks/booties x2
  • Beanie
  • Going home outfit
  • Bottles/formula/steriliser if you plan to bottle feed
  • Nappies and baby wipes (the hospital should have them available, but in case they don’t)


Get packed for the hospital: A change of clothes, some snacks and water, something to read, a card game, change for the parking meter and for the vending machine. Remember the camera.


You are the approximate size and weight of a coconut. You are able to turn your head from side to side, and you’re moving a lot in general. Enjoy it while you can – in the next few weeks, you will go through a growth spurt that will make your house tighter.