Week 30


Bottle or breast? No matter what people may tell you, with the best intentions of course, the choice is yours. (Only, sometimes it isn’t, and even if you’re keen to breastfeed, you might find yourself unable to. So while planning breastfeeding, be mentally prepared for the alternative.)

Both your own LMC and the midwife at the antenatal classes will teach you the basics of breastfeeding. Did you know that there are many different positions for feeding your baby – tummy to tummy, like a rugby ball, on the side? With so many options, it may be a good idea to take breastfeeding classes for additional information and confidence. Take your partner along, so that you’re both on the same page. His extra pair of hands will come in handy on that first day back home, without the midwife, when it seems you need to be an octopus in order to hold your baby in position while making your breast into a wedge while trying to get that baby mouth to open …


You are required by law to buy or hire a baby car seat to transport the baby. For the first three to six months, you may want to use a Baby Safety Capsule that clips in and out of its base, making the transition to and from the car super easy. It can also clip in and out of the stroller! The one disadvantage of the capsule is that it’s all too easy to leave the baby curled up in them while they’re asleep, but this position is not optimal for their spine. That’s why some parents choose a convertible baby seat straight away, one that can accommodate the baby from birth until they are at school.

Either way, get the baby car seat or base professionally installed unless you are confident you can do it yourself. The car seat must be fitted correctly for safety. If helps if your car has anchor points to secure the baby seat; if it doesn’t, consider putting them in.

Plunket recommends that your baby should use a rear-facing car seat until they are two years old. Don’t put your baby’s car seat in the front of a vehicle if it has an airbag because an inflating airbag can injure a baby, even if he or she is in a baby car seat.


Not much to report this week: You are the size of a cucumber, you keep growing, your eyesight is getting better. Keep up the good work!