Week 26



Do you know how to spot the signs of preterm labour? No need to panic, it’s just that you’ll probably sleep better if you have an emergency plan. Contact your LMC straight away if you notice any of the following: Your waters breaking (you will notice a gush of fluid coming out of your vagina), vaginal bleeding, mucus discharge, abdominal cramps, regular contractions (not to be confused with Braxton Hicks contractions or practice contractions which can be uncomfortable but do not become progressively stronger and increasingly painful).


Have you given any serious thought to child care? While at times it may seem incredible that there’s going to be a baby at the end of this process, it’s time to do some planning. Will one of you stay at home to look after the baby, or will you both go back to work? If it’s the latter, there’s more thinking to do, and the choices are plentiful: Day care centre, nanny, live-in au pair, or family member. (New Zealand Kindergarten, or kindy, is for older children, traditionally 3-5 year olds, though some centres now accept younger toddlers.)


Your total length is 35cm, like that of a spring onion. You keep on gaining fat, which is an awesome thing to do between now and when you get born. If you’re a boy, your testicles have begun their journey into your scrotum … you didn’t really want to know that, did you?