$aving up for baby

In this day and age, starting a family can be tough on the family finances. Yvonne Walus has tips for helping you prepare for your baby’s arrival without going completely broke.

When expecting our first baby, we received some well-meant financial advice that was so off the mark,
it made us laugh. “If you put all the money from your going-out budget into the baby budget, you’ll be
able to save up for a cot, changing table, and one of those Sangenic nappy disposal buckets.” I mean, seriously, what going-out budget? We didn’t even buy takeaways. I must admit we were also a little offended: Just how much alcohol did my aunt think we drank in an average week, anyway?

This article comprises bits of advice from mums and nans, from friends, and Dr Google. Some of them will sound obvious to you, but might be a revelation to somebody else. So if you do come across a suggestion you’re already implementing, do an eye-roll and give yourself a pat on the back.



Bump & Baby
Bump & Baby
BUMP & baby is New Zealand’s only magazine for pregnancy and early babyhood. Our team of mums and mums-to-be understand what it’s like to be pregnant in this connected age, and that’s why BUMP & Baby online is geared toward what pregnant women and new mums really want to know.