Black Doris Mascarpone Ice-Cream

ice cream

This is one of the best ice-cream flavours I’ve ever had, and my home-made version is even better than the bought version as it’s so much more ‘plummy’ and not overly sweet. I’d say it’s halfway between a sorbet and an ice-cream — refreshing and creamy at the same time, with an intense colour and flavour.

Serves 4

Prep time 15 minutes + at least 8 hours to freeze plums

DF (use coconut yoghurt) | GF



Black Doris plums in syrup 2 x 850g cans (reserve ½ cup syrup)

mascarpone 200g (or thick natural yoghurt for a lower-fat version)



  1. Cut plums in half and remove stones. Place plums in a dish (or on a tray) lined with baking paper and freeze for at least 8 hours, or overnight, until frozen hard.
  2. Place frozen plums (you may need to break them up a little into chunks) in a food processor with mascarpone and blend until completely smooth. Scrape down the sides of the food processor bowl a few times throughout to make sure everything is completely blended. Use a little of the plum syrup to loosen the mixture, if needed.
  3. Scoop into a dish or loaf tin, cover and freeze until ready to serve.



Best eaten within 1–2 days of being frozen. However, it will last a few weeks in the freezer but you will have to let it thaw for about 10minutes on the bench (or 15 minutes in the fridge) until it becomes easy to scoop again.


Extracted with permission from Let’s eat! Mostly healthy, always delicious, by Nadia Lim ( RRP$49.99)

nadia lim

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