Baby on board

Whether you rent, purchase, or use a hand-me-down, capsule and car seat safety are paramount.... READ MORE

The question about forgetfulness

While a number of women — like my friend — complain that pregnancy has made them more forgetful than usual, the research on this topic is mixed. ... READ MORE

Hair today, gone tomorrow?

Did you know that not only does your body change during pregnancy, your hair changes too? ... READ MORE

Chocolate gingerbread waffles

Waffles have become a staple in the Unbakery cafés for our weekend breakfast crowds – this is a chocolate version of my favourite gingerbread waffle recipe... READ MORE

Gender reveal ideas

Revealing the gender of your baby to your family and friends can be a really fun event (deep down, don't we all love to be the bearer of a little secret!).... READ MORE

Ask the expert: How often should I bathe my baby?

My baby is six months old, and has recently started eating purees. She's getting food crusted in her hair and in the little folds of her neck. I have to bathe her every day because of this... READ MORE